Module for EDI 9.12 | Installing and Using EDI Module | Preparing to Process Inbound Non-TRADACOMS Documents Using Trading Networks | Trading Networks Attributes and EDI Documents | System Attributes that Module for EDI Sets | DocumentID
The DocumentID system attribute is an identifier of the document. Module for EDI sets the DocumentID as follows:
Type of Document
Value Used for DocumentID
The interchange control number. For example, the sample’s DocumentID would be set to 000005334, which is the value of ISA13.
The group control number. For example, the sample’s DocumentID would be set to 1, which is the value of GS06.
The transaction control number. For example, the sample’s DocumentID would be set to 0001, which is the value of ST02.
For VDA documents, Module for EDI sets the DocumentID to the value of the new control number field.